Python Input Output Tutorial

Input and output operations are fundamental in Python programming, allowing interactive applications that can take user input and display results or messages. Here’s an in-depth look at using the input() and print() functions in Python with several examples.

The print() Function

The print() function is used to send data to the output, typically the console. It can handle multiple arguments of different data types, separated by commas. Python converts all arguments to strings and writes them to the standard output.

Basic Usage:

Printing Multiple Items:

Formatting Output: You can format strings in several ways, such as f-strings (formatted string literals) introduced in Python 3.6, str.format(), and the % operator.

Using f-strings:

Using str.format():

Using % operator (less recommended, but still used):

Specifying End and Separator:

The input() Function

The input() function allows your program to pause and wait for the user to type something from the keyboard. Once the user presses Enter, the function returns what was typed as a string.

Basic Usage:

Using Input with Integer Values: Since input() returns a string, you must convert it to an integer or float when you need to work with numbers.

Combining input() and print() for Interactive Scripts:

Handling Multiple Inputs:

These examples showcase the versatility of input() and print() functions in Python, allowing for a wide range of interactive applications, from simple scripts to more complex programs requiring user interaction. By mastering these basic I/O functions, you can enhance the interactivity and usability of your Python programs.

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