Maze Runner Game Python

Creating a “Maze Runner” game in Python using the Turtle graphics library is an exciting way to apply programming concepts while building a fun game. This example outlines a basic version of a maze runner game, where the player navigates a turtle through a maze to reach an endpoint.

Game Overview

The game consists of:

  • A maze drawn on the screen using the Turtle graphics library.
  • A player-controlled turtle that navigates through the maze.
  • An endpoint the player aims to reach.

Preparing the Maze

First, design your maze as a simple grid, where walls are represented by ‘W’ and paths by spaces. You can expand this basic concept with more features as you become comfortable.

Python Code for Maze Runner Game

Maze Definition and Drawing

  1. Define the Maze Layout: The maze is represented by a list of strings (maze), where each “W” character represents a wall in the maze.
  2. Draw the Maze: The draw_maze function iterates over each row (y) and column (x) of the maze layout. For each wall character “W”, it calculates the corresponding screen coordinates (screen_x, screen_y) and calls draw_wall to draw a blue square at that location. Each wall’s screen coordinates are added to the walls list for collision detection.
  3. Wall Drawing: The draw_wall function uses a Turtle object to draw each wall at the calculated screen coordinates.

Player Movement and Wall Collision Detection

  1. Movement Functions: The move function adjusts the player’s position based on the direction (“left”, “right”, “up”, “down”). Before moving, it checks if the next position would collide with a wall by ensuring the intended new coordinates are not in the walls list.
  2. Directional Movement: Specific functions (move_left, move_right, move_up, move_down) call the move function with the appropriate direction. These are bound to keyboard inputs (left, right, up, down arrow keys) using wn.onkey(), allowing the player to control the movement via the keyboard.
  3. Event Listening: wn.listen() tells the program to listen for keyboard inputs, which are linked to the player’s movement functions.


  • The game is executed with turtle.done(), which keeps the window open and responsive to the player’s keyboard inputs.
  • As the player moves, if they attempt to move into a wall, the movement function checks against the walls list. If the next position is part of the walls list, the move is not made, effectively preventing the player from moving through walls.

This program demonstrates fundamental concepts of game development with Python, including using lists to represent game maps, handling user input for movement, and implementing collision detection to restrict movement within defined boundaries.

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