Java Conditional Statements

Conditional statements in Java allow you to execute different blocks of code based on certain conditions. The primary conditional statements are if, else if, and else. Here, we’ll explore these statements with detailed examples to demonstrate their usage in Java.

The if Statement

Executes a block of code if its condition evaluates to true.


The else Statement

Executes a block of code if the condition in the if statement evaluates to false.


The else if Statement

Allows checking of multiple conditions. If if is false, it checks the else if condition. If both are false, else is executed.


Nested if Statements

You can nest if statements within each other for multiple checks.


Using Logical Operators with if Statements

Combine conditions using logical operators.

Example with Logical AND (&&):

Example with Logical OR (||):

Example with Logical NOT (!):

The Ternary Operator

A shorthand for if-else that returns a value.


The switch Statement

The switch statement executes one block of code out of many based on the condition. It’s a cleaner alternative to multiple if-else statements for fixed data values.


The switch statement checks the value of day and matches it with a case. If a match is found, it executes the code associated with that case until a break statement is reached, which exits the switch. If no case matches, the default code block is executed.

These examples with detailed explanations and outputs should provide a clearer understanding of how to use conditional statements and the switch statement in Java to control the flow of your programs.

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