Exception Handling in Java

Exception handling in Java is a powerful mechanism that handles runtime errors to maintain normal application flow. An exception is an event that disrupts the normal flow of the program’s instructions. Java uses a try-catch block to catch exceptions and perform actions to either recover from the error or at least gracefully terminate the program, preventing it from crashing. Below are various examples demonstrating how to handle exceptions in Java.

Basic Try-Catch Block

The simplest form of exception handling is using a try-catch block where you place the code that might throw an exception within a try block and handle the exception within a catch block.

Example 1: Handling ArithmeticException

Multiple Catch Blocks

You can have multiple catch blocks to handle different types of exceptions separately.

Example 2: Handling Multiple Exceptions

Finally Block

The finally block executes after the try-catch blocks regardless of whether an exception was thrown or caught. It’s typically used for cleanup activities.

Example 3: Using Finally Block


Java 7 introduced the try-with-resources statement, which automatically closes resources (files, streams) used within the try block.

Example 4: Try-With-Resources

Custom Exceptions

You can also create your own custom exception classes by extending the Exception class.

Example 5: Custom Exception


Exception handling in Java is crucial for building robust applications. By effectively using try-catch blocks, finally blocks, try-with-resources statements, and creating custom exceptions, developers can ensure that their programs handle errors gracefully, providing a better user experience and preventing crashes during runtime.

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